Hey there!

Welcome to my little space on the internet. You’re probably already familiar with who I am if you came from YouTube or Instagram, but for those who aren’t my name is Toni Mitchell and I’m a vegan health & fitness coach and content creator.

I was born in East Texas and raised in Houston, TX. I graduated from Texas Southern University with a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics. I have a nutrition coaching certification from Precision Nutrition and a Personal Trainer certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

I’ve been vegan since June 2014, but my fitness journey didn’t start until the Summer of 2016. Some of the most important things I’ve learned along this health journey of mine is to be kind to yourself, be honest with yourself, progression is better than perfection, create balance amongst the things you love & enjoy, and to always do your very best.

Thanks for stopping by and hopefully we’ll meet again.

Toni Mitchell